Egg Donors
Who Can Be An Egg Donor?
Becoming an egg donor through Newlife Conceptual Limited can be both a rewarding and enlightening experience for many young women.
An egg donor is any female, generally between the ages of 21 and 27, with a BMI within healthy levels, non-smoker, and no history of genetic disorders.
An egg donor must not have a personal nor family history of birth defects or major medical problems.
She must be AA Genotype and has not donated in the last 6months.
Her schedule must be flexible enough to attend screening and medical monitoring appointments and she must be able to follow a doctor’s instructions. She must be a graduate or an undergraduate of any higher institution. Resides in Lagos or has a place where she can stay in Lagos for 2months ..
Will Donating Eggs Affect My Fertility?
There is no current research that states that egg donation will impact your future fertility. Increased fertility is experienced during the cycle and after until your next period. Please discuss any of your concerns regarding the egg donation procedure and/or medications.
How Will I Be Compensated?
You will be compensated for your adherence to the doctor’s protocol, time, and risk with a financial amount of 6 figures. You may also be compensated by the knowledge that you are helping another family to grow and complete their dreams.