


People Recommend Us

Why Choose us
We provide individualized care and attention for every client during their journey to parenthood. We offer comprehensive testing to determine the causes of male and female infertility, and we specialize in IUI and in IVF.
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Happy Families About Us


Thank you so much for your compassionate, informative and positive attitudes. During an emotional time you provided us with smiles, support and hope. We had such a positive experience at Newlife Conceptual and are thrilled that our dream of a 2nd child is coming true. THANK YOU!!…

Dr & Mrs Richard D…….Lagos.

Dr & Mrs Richard D…….Lagos.

“They genuinely cared about me as a person…” The caring attitude of the staff at Newlife Conceptual made all the difference to me. The best way to describe Newlife Conceptual is like a well-oiled machine. Everything is very organized so the patient is never left wondering what will happen next. The assigned clinical staff kept me well informed and genuinely cared about me as a person. I would recommend Newlife Conceptual to anyone going through infertility………

Mrs. Florence A..Lagos

Mrs. Florence A..Lagos

Hmm, Newlife conceptual is a place to visit for fertility counsel. They are trust worthy and confidential, personally I didn’t regret my encounter with them. My wife and I want to thank you so much!

Dr Olumide

Dr Olumide